Client Intake Forms

If you are new to our practice, or if you’re returning for additional services, welcome! This page is for you if you are at the beginning of any process with us. Listed to the right are links to a variety of client intake forms. To the left, we detail which intake form is right for you.




If you are coming to us because there has been a recent death of a loved one, Decedent’s Estate is the intake form to submit.

If you are coming to us to learn about planning for state funded services for yourself or a loved one, Elder Law is the form to submit.

If you are coming to us for a will, trust, power of attorney or other estate planning document, Estate Planning is the form to submit. 

If you, or someone you are representing, is filing for a guardianship or conservatorship, or is in need of either of these services, please fill out the Guardianship & Conservatorship form.

If you are coming to us because you are taking over the administration of a trust, someone with a revocable trust has passed away, or any other related trust matter, Trust Administration is the form for you to submit.